These shows are not for sale. They are listed here as a reference to other J-drama traders.
My collection is getting more diversified so I need to reorganize the data in this page. See an explaination of the abbreviations at the end of the page.
Shows are sorted alphabetically on the Japanese title.
Last update:
Title | Network | Episodes | Media Format |
Subtitle Quality |
Source Channel |
Notes | |
Network (Japanese TV Stations) Media formats TBS = Tokyo Broadcasting System NTSC = TV Video format used in USA and Japan. By default all shows are in this format unless noted. NTV = Nihon Terebi PAL = TV Video format used outside of USA and Japan. NHK = Japan Public Television SP = VHS Recording format: usually holds 120 or 160 minutes on a single videotape. TV Tokyo EP = VHS Recording format: usually holds 6 or 8 hours on a single videotape. FUJI TV = FUJI TV Japan (aka Fujisankei Communication, Inc.) SP/ET = Recording format: SP (1x) + Extended Technology for S-VHS like quality Video sources EP/ET = Recording format: EP (3x) + Extended Technology for S-VHS like quality KTSF = KTSF Channel 26 (San Francisco) VCD = Video CD : video disk that can be played on a DVD player. Quality is comparable or worse than a videotape in EP mode. One disk can hold up to 72 minutes of video. KIKU = KIKU TV, Hawaii SVCD = Super VCD : video disk with quality comparable or better than a videotape in SVHS SP mode. One disk can hold from 35 to 50 minutes of video. NGN = Nippon Golden Network (Hawaii) DIVX = Digital Video format for Personal Computers. Quality varies greatly, from VCD-like to DVD-like. One CD can hold 2 45-min episodes up to an entire feature length movie, depending on the quality. IC = International Channel Subtitle Quality TCS8 = Channel 8 (Singapore) JNP JN Productions. This company in Hawaii does the translation and subtitles for all the shows shown on KIKU TV. CityTV = CityTV (Singapore) (not on air anymore) NGN = Nippon Golden Network used to translate and subtitle all the FUJI TV Japan shows. Now that Fuji is forbidding subtitling of its shows, they mainly translate NHK, NTV, TVTokyo and TBS shows. C+E = Chinese+English sutitles. These are usually bootlegs from Malaysia. The English translation is usually very very bad, since most probably the translator doesn't speak English very well and translated from Chinese.
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Established: February 1, 1999