Reverse Engineering Resources
Reverse Engineering is the conversion of information from
a low-level format, usually readable only by a computer, into
a higher level format, which is easily readable by humans.
Typical examples of reverse engineering tools are disassemblers
and decompilers, which translate an object file produced
by some compiler into an ASCII representation.
Reverse engineering requires deep understanding in a variety
of topics. You can learn about reverse engineering by accessing
the following links:
Learn from the masters by seeing what decompilers are freely
available on the net.
Discover what kind of information is stored in executable files
and how to extract it.
The most fundamental information for the reverse engineer:
microprocessor manuals and Application Binary
Interface (ABI) specifications.
Tools related to reverse engineering, beyond decompilers, such as
dumpers and debuggers.
Want to write your own decompiler? You'll need to implement
these algorithms.