To not-so-boldly go were I've gone before (tm)

Someone says that flying is safer than driving. Well, to me nothing
can replace the pleasure of driving. And the following list of travels
is the proof. If you wonder, the early trips (US East cost) were made
with rental cars from AVIS, the later trips (US West cost) using
my 1993 Honda Civic hatchback (if you feel tired after 20 hours of driving,
you can sleep in it quite comfortably :-)
- The Eastern United States
- Boston, MA
- Where I first landed in the US (like a modern pilgrim) (by plane
from Milan, Italy/Zurich, Switzerland).
- Read
what New Englanders have to say about driving in New England.
- New York/New Jersey
- (by plane from Milan, Italy, landing at JFK International Airport).
- Niagara Falls, Buffalo, NY, and Toronto, Canada
- (from Summit, NJ, a 6 hour trip one way by car, using Interstate 81,
Highway 17, Interstate 390, Highway 18, QEW Motorway).
- Washington DC
- (from Summit, NJ, a 6 hour trip one way by car, using Highway 9).
- The North Atlantic Shore route (1)
- New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,Vermont,
- (from Summit, NJ, a 10 hour trip one way by car, using Interstate
- The North Atlantic Shore route (2)
- New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South
- (from Summit, NJ, a 13 hour trip one way by car, using Highway 9, Interstate
- The Northern Middlewest
- Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana
- (from Summit, NJ, a 13 hour trip one way by car, using Interstate 80,
71, 74).
- The Southern Middlewest
- Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee
- (from Summit, NJ, a 13 hour trip one way by car, using Interstate
78, 81, 75).
- The Western United States
- Cupertino, CA
- my home town by adoption.
- (from Milan, Italy, Los Angeles, CA - a 13 hour one
way flight :-)
- The Far West (1)
- Las Vegas, Nevada, Grand Canyon, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, Mesa Verde,
New Mexico
- (from Palo Alto, CA - a 4000 miles, two and a half days round trip
by car, using Highway 101, Interstate 5, 15, 40, Highway 180, 160, 163,
95, 24, Interstate 70, 15, 5)
- The Far West (2)
- Los Angeles, CA, San Diego, CA, Long Beach, CA, Phoenix, AZ,
Grand Canyon, AZ, Arches Natl. Park, UT, Las Vegas, AZ, Death Valley, CA,
San Francisco, CA, Santa Barbara, CA
- (From Milan, Italy, a one week round trip by car, using Interstate
5, 10, 17, and other Highways)
- Total cost for two people on Thanksgiving Day week of 1992, including
Alitalia air tickets, AVIS car rental, Travelodge accomodations, food and
gasoline : $2700)
- The Northern Pacific
- California Northern Central Valley, Porland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington
- (From Cupertino, CA, a 13 hour trip one way by car, using Interstate
- The North West (to Yellowstone National Park)
- Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana
- (From Cupertino, CA, a 3 days round trip by car, using Interstate 80,
Highway 93, Interstate 86, 15, Highway 20, 89, 26)
- Europe
- The Reformer
- Casale Monf., Italy, Grand St.Bernard tunnel, Fribourg, Switzerland,
Basel, Switzerland, Mannheim, Bonn, Koln, Dusseldorf, Germany, Nijmegen,
The Netherlands.
- (From Casale Monf., Italy, a 2 days round trip by car: 15 hours
heading north, 10 hours heading south via St. Gottard tunnel - made
on Dec. 23/24, 1991).
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